Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bulletin Board

There is a bulletin board at Periwinkle Elementary with the AR reading goals. There are different reading club goals you work on to attain IE: 50,100, 150, 200...etc. You get the idea.
Most kids in the school reach around 300 or less.

Diana rose has always been a little bookworm from the time she was a baby.
I would read and read to her, even in the bath tub with her bath time baby books.
Then she entered kindergarten and alas she was onto reading.
She read chapter books before I knew it and off she was into the world of imagination
This year she told me in secret she was going to get to the 1000 point club.
The previous year she had attained 550 and that alone took MANY long hours of reading THICK books.

So at the beginning of August she started on her goal.
Her hard work every week paid off quickly and the librarian had to start ordering more books from other to schools to EVEN keep up with her appetite for good literature.

Her favorite book of the year was when her and I read "Little women" by Loise May Alcott.
Her and I cried when Beth died.

By February she was a school superstar, even the first graders knew who Diana Nye was.
Her bulletin board grew and each award had to be added, soon the teachers were squeezing them where there was even a space.

By Mid-May she bounced out of the doors when I picked her up from school
with the LARGEST grin on her face.

She was Periwinkle's Elementary TOP READER!

Diana says' next years goal is to shatter the school record
She wants to make it hard to ever break again.....oh boy!

I am proud of my baby girl.
She learned the lesson of hard work
and gained a love of books and writing.
I tell her someday I want to be the first in line for your book.

Way to go baby girl. 
Your family is very proud of you and your determination.  

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