Friday, November 2, 2012

A month of gratitude

I seem to go back and forth with blogging. With our busy schedules and family life, it's just not a high priority anymore, but something kept nagging me the past couple of days to do so. Pregnancy has softened my heart on many things, opening my eyes to answers I needed to hear so I can heal. The lords timing is not always our timing but I do assure you answers to prayers are felt and received even if the answer comes years or decades later to one when they least expect it. There is much good to come from patience, for it rewards the humble servant who righteously keeps engaged while waiting.
Following those promptings we feel from the holy ghost helps us to know where the Lord wants us to be so we can arrive here, finding peace and comfort in his blessings. And what a blessing it is to be enveloped in his love. Although the world looks bleak and weary outside, I know with assurity it is going to be OK. There are times when I question, "How" or "Why" to the Lord when I do not see how to get from point A to point B but if we stop, slow down and listen; we can hear the sweet small whisperings of the spirit.  Each time we listen to the spirit, we gain a better understanding in our relationship with  our Heavenly Father - learning and growing closer to him to feel of his love for us. He loves each one of us and wants so badly to answer our  prayers. We just need to hold on for all will be revealed within this life or the next.
Am I perfect at waiting for answers - NO! Am I a daughter of God who loves him and knows that he loves me - YES. That knowledge helps me to want to be better, to stand up for truth and righteousness so I can be ready when he is there to whisper which direction to go. I look back on my life and recognize many key points where I listened and where I "really" listened to his council.  It is in those times of clarity that I was engaged and listening with a full intent, putting MY wants aside.
I am grateful for answers. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that the book of Mormon is a true and correct book that teaches of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that families can be together forever. I am grateful for my family and the love we have in our home.

I am grateful for this month of November so  I can contemplate these blessings!

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