Thursday, December 31, 2009

All good things come to an end....2009

Dear 2009,

You came too fast and you ended too fast. Where did you go???? Last year we all were shorter (well the kids that is), getting ready for Disneyland, new homeowners, getting more fit, busier than usual and well to be honest I am not sure if I am ready for you to go........


Dear 2010,

Here's what I want from you and I am not asking much....

1. A firmer BUTT . Yes I said not much but like I said....I know it can be done!

2. To complete my half marathon. I know you say again not much but I know....I just KNOW we can do this! We will run across that finish line.... You and me AMY!! We will rock that marathon!

3. Well as far as the husbands Job goes...... I just hope 2010 whatever you bring....We know its for a reason and to be quite honest I am excited for new adventures to be brought. So bring it on!

4. To become a better mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend in 2010. There is always room for improvement!

5. And like all New Years resolution letters 2010, I finally ask....lets just make this a fabulous year of learning, love, gratitude, excitement, resolution, adventure and courage! I am very excited so lets get started and see where we end up next year!

See you soon 2010!

It will be a ROCKING NEW YEAR!

Your truly,


1 comment:

Our Family said...

That was funny! I can't believe it is almost 2010! I better figure out what I want to accomplish since the New Year starts tomorrow!!


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