Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday I was looking at my blog and realized that my bush countdown clock was no more needed, that before our eyes our 44th president was to take the most sacred oath of office. It was an amazing sight that choked me up. As a nation and as a society we knelt together as a democracy to start tearing off the bands of racial prejudices. We elected a president who is African-American and white. A mix. A combination of two races who so for hundreds of years have brewed with hated of one another over the cruelty and unjust acts put upon the supposed lesser race. My daughter watched the Night Obama accepted the office of president back in November and said "Mom, this means a Korean can be president too." Simple words from a 7 year old but like Obama said in his speech....60 years ago his father would not have been able to sit down in a restaurant to eat.

There is still an insurmountable amount of hatred in this world but today this gave me hope that one day all individuals will realize that all men are entitled to the freedom this country grants us. Let freedom ring!!

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