Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tu-Tu's and Tights

Sooooo Taylor wanted to do T-ball.....
 Then Chloe wanted to do Ballet....
and well...we'll get to Diana in another post.

To get her started I went down to our local Parks and rec and signed her up for a beginner Ballet Class,
pulled out a hand me down Tu-Tu from Diana, tights but when we went to try on Diana's Ballet Slippers....they did not fit, so she got new ones. As the third child you savor in these moments =-).

Yeah the older two wanted in on the picture action before we left

Chloe was SO small compared to the rest of the girls. I think its those petite asian genes.

Dancing away

She loved every minute of the twirls, skips and dancing

 I love seeing the joy on her face!

♥ It's one of lifes gifts ♥

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Her face is just darling!


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